
Aughost – Week 1


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Aughost is upon us and I am loving seeing Twitter scattered with little ghosties of all shapes and sizes as @TheRealAuGHOST encourages one and all to take on the fun of joining in whatever their skill level …. now that’s a challenge that me and my silly doodles can take on! 😀

#Aughost Prompts

Day – Patience
Day 2 – Red
Day 3 – Charcoal
Day 4 – Lighthouse
Day 5 – Woodwork
Day 6 – Dice
Day 7 – Beyond

Make sure to check out #Aughost on twitter (link below) and join in where you want to!

@gwendlynd #Aughost Week 1

All the Small Things


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So JaNEWary has been and gone and we were already a fair amount through February before I blinked! Or at least it feels this way. So what did you get up to? Did you try anything NEW or stick to a resolution? I do hope all is going well over at Excessive & Composed with the 2019 walking challenge.

For myself there wasn’t anything too life altering going on yet I’m feeling in a positive place right now. I mean it might well be sleep deprivation instead of a healthy glow this morning but meh whatever works. 😀

FUNNY MEMES The funniest MEMEs on the internet for new years resolution meme

So what did I do new?

Tasted (and cooked) Meatloaf for the first time- Nope I had never had this before and please tell me if this sounds wrong, but it kinda reminded me of a looser consistency burger. Like the beef and onion flavour was there but the meat wasn’t as compressed so it was somewhere between burger and mince (or if you are in the UK then kinda like a slice of a faggot)… does this sound right? It doesn’t sound right to me now I say it like this haha. But it was tasty! Tasty and cheap: two very important factors for food in January. If you did want to try it out for yourself then here is the recipe I used from

Meatloaf recipe


Watched a Jackie Chan film. Ok so I have seen his films before but I wasn’t a fan (tries to ignore the gasps). It was either something to do with me not liking slapstick comedy or the fact that I dated someone who basically had his films on a heavy rotation: either way, I was not a Chan fan. Though I guess this was not the typical Jackie Chan movie either – The Foreigner was a serious Chan figure, no slapstick but still all the beautifully choreographed action (hey, just because I said I didn’t like it, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the skill). I’m not going to give you any spoilers except the trailer incase you haven’t watched it  and want to. Yet you can probably tell from this that it seems like Liam Neeson was there in spirit.  Overall I enjoyed the film and wished Chan had been in it more as I preferred him to Brosnan (whose accent I just can’t get my head around)…maybe I shall go back and rewatch an old film of his with a new perspective now.

Took some walks outside (ones that were not needed) – you might not think this is new but oh yes it is for some. If I don’t have to go out then chances are I usually avoid it. Not only is the world out there cold, wet and full of smelly people (well on public transport) but it’s also very expensive! I’ve never been someone who can go outside without having some emergency cash or just stopping by a shop to pick something up I didn’t know I needed. So yes, it was safer for my wallet to stay inside. Yet I have been trying to get out there and take a breath of fresh air and not spend any money. It’s been hard, and I’ve failed but I’m getting better. Now if anyone can recommend a good leak proof water bottle that won’t cost the earth and I can refill, this would be great.

Actually used my fancy stationary! – This is probably the strangest one, but I love fancy stationary and nicely designed note books but then I never feel like I can use them. It’s as if using them is going to be wasteful and I somehow need to keep them for times I will write neater or have a tidier desk to house them. But the problem with saving things for best is that ‘best’ never comes around so you are just left with a stock of unused things that might have made life a little happier but you felt were too precious to use. Just like lots of WoW items that never reached their full potential (yes my pally kept her holy mightstone) so too am I starting to get a stack of beautiful notebooks or amusing post it’s that I was just too afraid to use. Well no more …. Things are getting scribbled on!


Actually enter competitions – In game I have bad loot luck, just ask my guildies they will tell you its true… just look at my 330 off hand if you don’t believe me. Yet I never really questioned that this bad luck wasn’t just brought across into the real world. I never really believe things that seem too good to be true and consequently I never really enter competitions because I just assume I won’t win anyhow so it’s a waste of time. Yet something magical happened during JaNEWary and a post that I had retweeted (just for the sake of helping to share if I’m honest) turned out to be a winning competition entry. So now thanks to the awesome @MischiArt I’m going to be the proud owner of some new artwork which I’m delighted with. MischiArt is also open for commissions at the moment so go check out her fantastic artwork, you won’t be disappointed.


So there you go peeps … you have to be in it to win it… obviously. All it took was some tiny changes from me but they have created a lovely butterfly effect for the year and its feeling like it’s only going to get better. 😀

P.S If you do play Vanilla WoW as a paladin for the love of Holy Light just use that mightstone when you get it 😀


Don’t end up like this

JaNEWary is here!


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So I have never really been one of those people that begins the New Year spouting about how it’s going to be a ‘new year new me’. Mostly because I know I am terrible at keeping resolutions anyhow, so why would I purposely be putting myself under extra stress trying not to fail at some ridiculous notion of exercising and dieting….it’s just not gonna happen.


But perhaps this year I can at least attempt something, something tiny, something minuscule but ultimately something New for me. So instead of proclaiming a ‘new me’ for 2019 I am going to be renaming and celebrating JaNEWary!

So what is all this nonsense you ask? Why are you just spelling January incorrectly?

Well instead of committing to a whole year of being able to pull off some kind of resolution then instead I am taking the laz…easier route of using January as a month to try out something new. It might be something small, like a new book genre or film that I wouldn’t usually watch. Perhaps I could try cooking something new or tasting a new food. Anything new will count; perhaps I might even find a new hobby.

Whatever it is I’m going to be doing it in the next few weeks and that will make up my JaNEWary. I’m not even going to forecast how many new things to find to do, I will just pin them up on Twitter when I find them. Hopefully just the notion of finding new things will invigorate me to do more than I have so far this year.


If you have any ideas for me then let me know, or maybe you want to join in? If so please let me know how you will be celebrating your JaNEWary, perhaps we can all find a little bit of inspiration from each other.

Best Wishes for 2019 everyone 🙂

Let #JaNEWary commence!

The Blog Post With No Name


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Ok, I’m doing this ..

*taps at keys a little while before holding down the delete button and sighing

No .. nope..hmm

So I would like to make a blog post, or at least feel like I should especially after all the lovely shout outs I’ve been getting on twitter from @nic_calavera but I feel like at a bit of a loss for it because I haven’t really done anything interesting of late so I haven’t really got a legitimate blog subject.

I guess I could share some felt creations however apart from my weird little meat fairy which I shared on Twitter then the other need to be kept under wraps because they will be gifts.


I thought that the pinkish felt was quite pretty until someone pointed out that it looked skinless..

The only other thing I’ve done is watch Netflix really so I can at least recommend that you go and watch The Christmas Chronicles if you are looking for a new Christmas film that ticks all the boxes. Kurt Russell as Santa Claus is an amazing concept and the film is splattered with amusing pop culture references and has just enough cheese to be good but not so much that it’s bad. So put that one on your Christmas watch list!

So that’s it, my tiny dull update however this does mean I can add some appreciation here to Kingdom of Monsters and also send you off to check out his first podcast and give some support 🙂


Take care and be kind peeps!

Inktober – Only for Artists?


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I want to stamp a big fat ‘NO!’ on this right at the start, yet this year I have to say I’m feeling a little on my own out there for being someone who just likes to draw rather than can draw.


Perhaps I was just in a different place in my head last year or maybe I just follow a lot more actual artists on Twitter this year, or maybe it’s because I put more time into Inktober stuff last year. Whatever the reasoning behind it, all I know is that this year Inktober just doesn’t feel like something I should be joining in with: I’m more than a little out of my league here.

That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy seeing all of the wonderful creations coming up on my twitter feed because I do very much, and I especially like to see when people take a prompt and put a clever twist on it. I’m enjoying all of this and trying to retweet people so that others can share in this too, however I think last year there seemed to be more people putting out doodles who were not professional artists, or perhaps I just need to find some more like minded creative souls.

Yes I want to see the professional artists do their thing: I just think it would be nice to find some middle ground people too, so that is my goal this week. If you are quietly taking part in Inktober but don’t have an artist tag then I’m coming to seek you out!

Also can we please stop putting “this is my bad drawing” on perfectly good artwork, I know everyone is their own worst critic but some of these ‘look at my terrible (actually awesome) drawings ‘only serve to make other people feel even shittier about their own ‘bad’ art.

So I say from now on let’s just own that art no matter how bad we think it is, because surely the whole point about joining in with Inktober is just the action of creating something daily no matter the standard it perceives to achieve.

And with that here are my bad Inktober offerings for week 1




If you feel like you want to join in with Inktober, there is still time to join in so here is the link to read more and the prompt list. Or you could find another prompt list as there are many to use, or even just draw out what ever you want, it’s not about the result it’s about the action \o/



CB&W: Toys for adults … Oh, OK & Children


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I thought my first post of the New Year should be something fun and creative, so I joined in with –

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Toys for Children or Adults


Nightmare Before Christmas





Darth Vader

I’m not sure if that last one has too much colour, but I liked it!

Goodbye Inktober, Hello NaNoWriMo


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Well I had a lot of fun joining in with Mythical Inktober, and am pleased to have actually done something creative throughout October: the incentive of a goal really help me. Thanks to Frenone for supplying the prompts as I probably would have faltered on the original Inktober ones, but the mythical ones made the task far more fun and I now feel more confident sharing my artwork even when it isn’t great because of all the support from the Twitter & WordPress community.

So here are my last ones to complete the final gallery:

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Novel Ideas: Opinions Please


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I’m still trying to work out what style of writing is going to keep me going for NaNoWriMo next month. So I was hoping that maybe some feedback might help me choose. If you have the time to read through these snippets and let me know if you enjoy any or dislike any, or think something sticks out as interesting, then please let me know.

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